Miles ended up having a 3 month-ish doctor appointment because Nick and I noticed that he suddenly lost weight at the beginning of June. He went from filling out his pants and onesies to swimming in them, and we had to increase the amount of milk in his bottles and begin supplementing with formula. A week later, he'd gained back most of what he lost and weighed in at 12 lbs 4 oz (25th percentile) and grew another half inch to be 25 inches long (77th percentile!) It appears we have a tall, skinny baby who was going through a growth spurt and not getting enough calories. Now that he drinks 35+ oz per day (!!!) he seems to be growing just fine!
This month has also brought so many developmental changes:
- Miles now enjoys playing with toys, and goes to town batting and grabbing the animals that hang from his activity gym or bouncer seat. He also loves kicking a little piano that we're borrowing from his friend John, and I purchased a jumperoo from Craigslist that is a huge hit. So basically, our house is starting to have the sort of gaudy, loud plastic things that make my stomach turn but they make him happy so I am dealing with it.
- As much as it scared me at first, it's evident that Miles is turning out to be a side/tummy sleeper and flops all over his bed like a little fish. He has no trouble returning to his back (and often does at some point during the night) or keeping his face uncovered, so we're just going to go with it. We successfully weaned him from his swaddle blankets, as well as his transitional sleep suit, and he now goes down with just his jammies and a little blanket or sleep sack. This was not fun.
- Our little guy is also pretty proficient at rolling around on the floor, and easily goes from front to back while covering some ground in the process. Earlier this week I went to get a glass of water in the kitchen and came back to find him under our coffee table next to a very concerned dog.
- He smiles when he sees us, and it's the best thing ever. He's also starting to really laugh, which only cracks him up more.
And now, some pictures:
"Reading" with Maggie
4th of July with Papa
Neesie was there, too
Musical toys are his favorite
Loves this ball, but hates that it won't fit in his mouth
Sleepy little Ranger
Our restaurant champ!
His usual expression, since his first week of life
Chilling with Maggie
Selfie at the mall
The Dillon Men
Father's Day Artwork
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