Saturday, January 3, 2015

9 months old! + A Very Merry Christmas

Miles Dillon is 9 months (and 2 weeks) old, and those are the best pictures I could get because this kid is all over the place!  Our little photo shoot mostly looked like this:

Mobility is pretty much his biggest achievement lately, and Miles takes great joy in quickly crawling around the house babbling to us and the dog, stopping to pull up on all furniture and against doors or walls.  His primary goal is to join Maggie in the dog bed, and overturn the water bowl, but his mean parents never let him have any fun at all.

 Taken on my way to ruin his fun.  We discourage this for Maggie's sake... and because she sheds like it's her job.

Other interests include: closing doors, trying to eat leaves that get tracked in from outside, feeding himself bite-sized pieces of whatever we are eating, petting Maggie, throwing his cup on the floor, removing his socks, clapping his hands, playing with musical toys or anything with pieces that move.

Miles had his 9 month check-up on December 18th, and weighed in at just over 22 pounds (74%) and 28.5 inches long (58%).  His pediatrician is pleased with all of his new skills, which are right on track for his age, and said to keep feeding him table food and start moving away from purees. 

We're glad to have found a doctor who is against "kid food" are looking forward to teaching Miles to love a variety of flavors - except the nuts and shellfish that he can't have until he's older.  Even though there's a new one published every time you turn around, I'm enjoying books and articles detailing how the French teach their children to accept foods that Americans assume they will not like.  Here's hoping we can raise an adventurous eater!

Biscuits and sausage gravy are delicious.

December also brought our annual Christmas road trip, and lots of time with our families.  We exchanged gifts among the three of us on Christmas Eve before we left for Houston, and Miles loves his new activity cube.  He plays with it every day and especially likes closing all the little doors and spinning the beads.  Nick got some shirts, some records, an Xbox game, and grapefruit vodka.  I was happy to get some clothes, and some art prints that I plan to hang in our long-neglected master bedroom.  We decided not to shower Miles with gifts this year, not because he isn't the best baby ever, but because he'll be turning 1 in just 3 months (sob!) and simply does not need lots of new stuff.  Santa brought him a couple of cool books to Grandma and Grandpa's house, and I think everyone else liked the Dog book as much as he does! (Highly recommend it for kids his age and a little older)

Wednesday evening, we went to church with the rest of the Dillons and then enjoyed gifts and a big lunch on Christmas Day.  Miles got lots of cool stuff, and had lots of fun crawling around and standing for his audience.

Reading A Charlie Brown Christmas with Grandpa is our new family tradition

On Friday, we drove to Bryan to spend time with the Fergusons and then went to my aunt and uncle's house in Magnolia for our next family gathering.  Miles got so many fun gifts (again) and loves watching all the dogs and older kids running around.

Someone loves sitting with his great-grandma, Nandy

I was not drunk - I would normally crop that face out but the rest of the picture is good so I'm taking one for the team.

On Saturday, we headed back to Dallas and went to my Aunt Monica's house for Christmas with the Moutons.  We were pretty tired and didn't take many pictures, but Miles had more fun with my aunts, uncle and cousins and received even more fun toys and books!

This blurry picture is the only evidence, but we had a good time in Rockwall!

By the time New Year's Eve rolled around, we were all pretty tired and just enjoyed some time at home for the weekend (still in progress).  We can't wait to see everyone again soon, but are hoping for some visitors in Dallas!

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